Health Care
On Health Care:
First, the real issue is not health care or health insurance is it health. We are spending too much money on things that don’t improve health that much but very little on things that do. This is because interest groups drive policy and their interest is maximizing health care and health insurance revenues not health. That’s how David Goldhill’s mother got a bill for $667,000 when the American health care system killed his father.
Second, comprehensive health insurance makes no sense. You don’t buy car insurance to pay for your gasoline or house insurance to pay for your light bulbs. On the other hand, universal catastrophic care insurance is essential.
Third, employer-based insurance makes no sense either. This system reduces accountability and should be replaced by health savings accounts.
Fourth, fee for service is problematic because it incentives excess care.
Fifth, those who can not provide for themselves should be provided for via general revenues and a system of public clinics.
Sixth, a national policy focusing on health maximization should be implemented the corner stone should be rigorous physical training in every school in America and the elimination of child obesity within five years.
Seventh. a combination of universal catastrophic care, health savings accounts, and a safety net for the poor makes sense to me.